Milestone Ranch is a unique residential facility for young adults aging out of the Foster Care System.
Set in the Texas Hill Country, this family-owned working cattle ranch not only provides solitude for healing, but inherent every-day challenges to build and shape character. Residents will encounter daily opportunities to rise above past failures and tear down false labels. Our greatest desire is for them to tap into the spirit within to overcome and thrive through daily victories no matter how small.
“Identifying milestones in your past will help you intentionally achieve a path to your God-given identity, purpose and destiny. It belongs to you and we want to help you discover it.”
– Steve Stone, Founder, Milestone Ranch
Our vision for these kids society calls “at risk,” is to inspire them to become contributors to their community and the world—giving back and chipping in—instead of becoming consumers, living lives marked by survival and self.
Our mission is to mentor young adults to find and embrace their God-given identity, purpose and destiny by recognizing their “heart’s desire” — the gifts embedded in them by their Creator. When they bypass fear to step into uncharted territory, Jesus will put these desires inside them — desires that lead to assignment and calling.

Steve and Jamie Stone are not afraid to get their hearts broken. Why? Because they know the joy and reward of selfless service to what King Jesus called, “the least of these.” The ones society has left behind and overlooked are exactly who these true disciples of Jesus are looking for.
Having been Foster parents in the past, the Stones were devastated to learn that 50 percent of local children aging out of the Foster System are routinely driven to the homeless shelter. Left to survive on their own, many become addicts, are abused and even trafficked for sex by adults promising protection. Statistics show nearly 80 percent of former Foster kids will be incarcerated in their lifetime.
To this, Steve and Jamie say, “Not on my watch!”
Building MileStone Ranch to equip young people who lack connections and resources is a mission for this ranching family. They are committed to shining the light of Jesus into the dark places in our society and challenging the Church to make a difference in those settings. “There are 400,000 churches in America and there are 400,000 Foster children. If every church just took in one Foster child, the problem would be solved,” says Steve. “Believers in the body of Christ can do better—we should do better.”

Knowing the ages of 15-25 is a critical decade, the Stones are laying down their lives to bring real life to kids in need through redemption, responsibility and relationship. Using their cattle ranch and connections with local businesses, Steve and Jamie and committed to teaching life lessons and work ethic to inspire these young people to dream big!
“Everybody has a God-given identity and purpose. We have gifts and talents that God literally breathed into us before we were born. We all spend our lives looking for that identity and calling. While some of us find it, many don’t,” laments Jamie. “As followers of Jesus, we believe He is the lamp unto our feet and light unto our path. He is the way to real life and we want to share that with these young people.”
Hoping to leave a lasting legacy of faith, hope and love, the Stones are committed to making a difference one life at a time no matter the circumstances.
“Every child is different. Each story is unique and we know that every path is going to be personal. Our goal is to ‘bless the mess’ that comes with each child. Jamie and I and committed to walking whatever road each of one needs to reach their purpose and destiny. It’s not cookie cutter. It’s relational and individual,” says Steve.
Freedom fighters in every sense of the word, Jamie and Steve are also instrumental in rescuing girls and boys out of sex trafficking in the nation of Belize where they provide former slaves with housing, medical care, job training and opportunities to become self-sufficient—never again to be a victim.

And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. – Matthew 5:41
In biblical times, the Roman Empire had a saying: “All roads lead to Rome.” Why? Because they did! And every road was distinctly marked with what became known as “mile stones” so Roman troops could mark off distance and pace their movements between battles and duty stations.
With much of the known world under their control, the Roman legions had the legal right to
demand any citizen from a conquered nation to carry their belongings for one mile. This practice
was meant to humiliate and subjugate. However, Jesus’ ways are not man’s ways. He saw this
burdensome practice as an opportunity.